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14. Assistance offers

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Migration advice

The Migrationsberatungsstellen für Erwachsene (migration advice service agencies for adults) assist immigrants aged 28 and over in their first steps in Germany. The consultants are conversant with the challenges that may arise during the time of acclimatization in Germany. After a personal conversation, they develop a plan together with you that shall help you to quickly manage life in Germany. You are informed about assistance offers and where you can learn the German language. They assist you or name the correct contacts for questions regarding the stay, living, health, recognition of degrees, job search, education and leisure opportunities.

In addition, specific assistance is also given by the gesonderte Beratung und Betreuung (specific advice and attendance) to late re-settlers and refugees entitled to stay. In these service offices, comprehensive assistance in matters of asylum, stay and benefits is given.

The Jugendmigrationsdienst (Youth Migration Service) helps young people to master the challenges of acclimatization in Germany. The service staff consults and attends immigrated adolescents and young adults up to the age of 27 free of charge. Inter alia, the offers provided by the Youth Immigration Service include individual attendance and group activities. For example, you will get help and advice in matters of education, the schooling vocational training systems and leisure.

Should you have more questions, contact the Bürgerservice des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge (Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees). The agency renders assistance by phone or e-mail concerning issues of migration and integration, e.g. about the integration course, residence law or naturalization.

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Translation and interpretation

Translation and interpretation

Translation or interpretation by phone is offered by the project SiSA Sprachmittlung in Sachsen-Anhalt (Translation and Interpretation in Saxony-Anhalt). After previous consultation, employees of SiSA can accompany you to appointments or events. When you speak German well already, you can participate in the work of SiSA or the Multi-Cultural Centre as a honorary member. Translators and interpreters do not give any legal, social or medical advice. For official translations, please contact a sworn translator. A list of sworn translators and interpreters is given on the website of the Internetseite des Bundesverbands der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer Landesverband Sachsen-Anhalt e. V. (Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators, Saxony-Anhalt Association).

Migrants organizations

Migrants organizations

In Germany, there are many organizations of people with migration background. Most of their members have personal migration experience and work on a honorary basis for the integration of immigrants. Migrants organizations often provide a wide range of offers, e.g. advice, events, education offers, sports and music groups and interpreter services.

Inter alia, the following Migrantenorganisationen (migrants organizations), organized according to their origin or religious faith, are active in Dessau-Roßlau: the German-Russian Working Circle "Dialog", the Islamisches Kulturzentrum e. V. (Islamic Cultural Centre), the Kurdisch-Deutscher Verein Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. (Kurdish-German Association Saxony-Anhalt), the Mesopotamischer Kulturverein (Mesopotamian Cultural Association) and the Vietnamese Community. The Multi-Culture Centre offers inter-cultural activities.

Migrants organizations represent interests of their members towards politics, economy and administration. Their aim is to promote dialog and to make a contribution to the integration of inhabitants with migration background. Migrants organizations have united in the „Landesnetzwerk Migrantenorganisationen in Sachsen-Anhalt" (LAMSA) (State Network of Migrants Organizations in Saxony-Anhalt). LAMSA offers many projects and events related to migration and integration.

Political participation

Political participation

The Integrationsbeirat (Integration Council) and the Ausländerbeauftragte (Foreigners' Commissioner) of the city are the central political links between people with migration background, city administration and municipal bodies. The work on a honorary basis and are active partners in the shaping of cohabitation in Dessau-Roßlau. The two bodies represent the interests of migrants in the public and are on your disposal when you have questions. In addition, the foreigners' commissioner gives advice to migrants and arranges contacts to authorities and institutions.

There are numerous bodies in the city, e.g. the city council, the city quarter or suburb councils and their special committees. They meet regularly to discuss public issues. In these discussions, citizens of Dessau-Roßlau can put forward their requests. The dates of these meetings are given in the local press, in the Amtsblatt (Official Gazette) and on the website of the city of Dessau-Roßlau.

The „Netzwerk Gelebte Demokratie“  (Network "Living Democracy") is open to all citizens committed to democracy. The network's aim is to shape cohabitation in the community and encourages all citizens of Dessau-Roßlau to actively participate in this process.

Clothing, furniture and food distribution points

Clothing, furniture and food distribution points

In social stores, you can buy well preserved used goods at reasonable prices. In the clothing store of  Kleiderkammer der ASG Dessau e.V. donated clothing is handed out against a small amount of money. In its Möbelkammer (furniture store), the association also sells used furniture and large household items at favourable prices.

The Dessauer Tafel assists people in need by selling cheap food. For this purpose, you have to register in advance and present evidence your need status.

Addiction Treatment

Addiction Treatment

If you have questions about alcohol, gambling, nicotine, eating disorders, medications, excessive media consumption and other behavioral cravings, you can go to a counseling center. You will also be offered further support offers. The consultation will be coordinated with them and the discussions are subject to secrecy.

Anti-discrimination agencies and citizens' requests

Anti-discrimination agencies and citizens' requests

It is discrimination when you are badly treated because of your origin, nationality, sex, age or a handicap. Discrimination is prohibited in Germany, and you can defend yourselves against it. The staff in the anti-discrimination agencies will listen to your complaints and inform you about your rights. Together with you, they search for a solution and accompany you in its realization. The consultations are held confidentially, free of charge and, if desired, anonymously and with the help of an interpreter. When you are affected by racism or discrimination, you can also consult the Entknoten – Beratungsstelle gegen Alltagsrassismus und Diskriminierung (Consultation Agency against Everyday Racism and Discrimination). In case of discrimination because of your origin, you can also ask for advice by the honorary Ausländerbeauftragten (Foreigners' Commissioner) of the City of Dessau-Roßlau

The Beratungsstelle für Opfer rechter Straf- und Gewalttaten (Consultation Agency for Victims of RightWing Offences and Violence) will assist you when you are bodily attacked. Should you be discriminated because of your sex, you can contact the Gleichstellungsbeauftrage (Equal Opportunities Commissioner) of the City of Stadt Dessau-Roßlau.

In cases of discrimination because of a handicap, you are supported by the municipal Behindertenbeauftragte (Handicapped People's Commissioner). The honorary Seniorenbeauftragte (Senior Citizen's Commissioner) can be consulted when you have specific requests. The Kinder- und Jugendbeauftragter (child and youth representative) represents the interests of young people and adults up to 27 years of age. Should you have other citizens' concerns, advice is given by the Beauftragte für Bürgeranliegen (Commissioner for Citizens' Concerns) or the commissioners mentioned above.

Emergency call numbers

Emergency call numbers

Contact Call number Availability Cause
Rescue service 112 24 hours a day In case of emergency and by risk of life.
Fire brigade 112 24 hours a day In case of fire, severe accidents and natural catastrophes.
Police 110 24 hours a day In case of traffic accidents, criminal offences.
Medical emergency service 116117 Outside the practice times of the family physicians When you need medical aid outside the practice times and there is no risk of life.
Dental emergency service 0391 62930 00 Outside the practice times of the dentists When you need the aid of a dentist outside the practice times.
Poison emergency call 0361 730730 24 hours a day When you have taken poison.
counselling service 0800 1110111 24 hours a day When you are in trouble and want to talk about it with someone.
Muslim counselling service 030 443509821 24 hours a day When you are in trouble and want to talk about it with someone.
Dessau police station 0340 25030 When you want to report an offence. When you want to report an offence.
Women‘s shelter Dessau 0340 512949 24 hours a day When you, a woman, feel threatened and no longer safe in your flat.
Rescue Service of the citiy Council 0340 2041376 outside the opening hours of the city council and 24 hours a day When childs are in trouble or not safe in there family.

Returning advice service

Returning advice service

Many foreign citizens who live and work in Germany still maintain close relations to their old homeland. Taking the decision to return to one's country of origin means a difficult decision process. When you consider to return to your country of origin, you can utilize several opportunities of assistance. Should you do not have enough money to pay for your departure you can get help out of a return program. Your departure is arranged and the travel expenses are paid. Depending on your residence status and country of origin, additional financial benefits are possible, e.g. assistance in the search for a job or flat in your country of origin.

An overview of assistance opportunities and advice agencies can be found on the Informationsportal zu freiwilliger Rückkehr (Information Portal for Voluntary Return). The different options can be discussed in a personal return consultation. Return consultations are offered in Dessau-Roßlau at the Ausländerbehörde, (Foreigners' Office), by the Diakonischen Werk der Evangelischen Landeskirche Sachsen-Anhalts e.V. (Social Service of the Protestant Church in Saxony-Anhalt) as well as St. Johannis GmbH. Telephone advice is also given by the Federal Employment Agency in the information centre of the Internationalen Personalservice der ZAV (International Personnel Service) in your search for a job in your country of origin.