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Child day care centres

In Saxony-Anhalt, all children up to the 7th form (the age of 14) have the right to attend a children day care centre. Children up to the age of 3 can go to a creche or be care for by a baby minder. Children from the age of 3 until they come to school can go to a kindergarten. om the age of 3 until they come to school can go to a kindergarten. The website of the Jugendamt (Youth Welfare Office) contains a list of all child day care centres. It is important that children go to a child day care centre to facilitate their development and language proficiency in the best possible way. In a child day care centre, the children play and eat together and participate in creative activities as e.g. singing, painting, motion, etc.

Sometimes day care centre places are sparse. Thus have your child registered with a Kindertagesstätte (child day care centre) as early as possible, at least half a year before your child shall attend it. Advice on care opportunities is given by the Day Care Office of the Youth Welfare Office of the City of Dessau-Roßlau. The cost of the child day care and lunch meals are borne by the parents. On the parents portal LittleBird, you can register your child directly with a child day care centre. When you are granted allowances from the Welfare and Integration Office or from the Jobcenter, you can apply with the Youth Welfare Office that they pay the cost or part of the cost of the child day care. For the payment of an allowance for part of the cost of lunch meals, you can file an application with the Welfare and Integration Office or the Jobcenter.

Before your child may go to the child day care centre it has to be examined by a pediatrician. The physician issues a medical certificate on the results of the examination. The stay in the day care centre usually starts with an acclimatization phase. During this time, you visit the child day care centre together with your child, and the duration of the child's stay is gradually prolonged.

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All children completing their 6th year of age before 30 June are obliged to go to school from the beginning of the next school year. In Germany, school lessons start in August or September. About one and a half year before the start of schooling, you have to register your child with the primary school. This registration of the child starting school shall be made with the primary school of your school district. Information on the school districts and the registration for schooling is given by the Amt für Bildung und Schulentwicklung (Education and School Development Agency). The dates of the schooling registration are published in all child day care centres and primary schools, the local print media, in the Amtsblatt (Official Gazette) and the website of the City of Dessau-Roßlau. Furthermore your child has to be medically examined before the start of school. The day care centres inform you about these dates. Children not going to such a centre are invited by the Health Office of the City of Dessau-Roßlau, When you are new in the city, please directly contact the Education and School Development Agency for the schooling registration of your children.

Independently from your school district, you may also register your child with a private shool. Private schools have a specific religious background or follow an alternative pedagogic concept. Different from the state schools, you have to pay tuition to the free schools.

Before the start of school, you have to procure the working materials for your child. The school will inform you which materials are needed. When you are granted allowances from the Welfare and Integration Office or the Jobcenter, you can apply for financial support for the school materials of your child with the Amt für Soziales und Integration (Welfare and Integration Office) out of the "Education and Participation Package".

It is important that you attend the parents' evening meetings and regular consultations with the teachers. Please be punctual in appointments at the school. Take care that your child makes his/her homework. Should problems arise in the school you can contact the Opens external link in new windowSchulsozialarbeiter (school's social worker). He/she is your contact in case of any problems in the school.

You, the parents, are responsible that your child goes to school every day. When your child is sick you have to immediately notify the teacher and present a medical certificate within three days. When your child is missing at school without excuse, this is considered a violation of compulsory education. This is a breach of regulations and can be punished by a fine, i.e. you have to expect that you have to pay such fine. Compulsory education ends twelve years after its commencement. Schooling is free.

Pupil day centres

Pupil day centres

Before and after school, your child can be attended in a pupil day centre. The website of the Before and after school, your child can be attended in a pupil day centre. The website of the Jugendamtes (Youth Welfare Office) contains a list of all pupil day centres. The cost of such attendance and the lunch meals are borne by the parents. When you are granted allowances from the Welfare and Integration Office or from the Jobcenter, you can apply with the Youth Welfare Office that they pay the cost or part of the cost of the pupil day care. For the payment of an allowance for part of the cost for the lunch meals, you can file an application with the Welfare and Integration Office or the Jobcenter. You can get financial support out of the „Bildungs- und Teilhabepaket" (Education and Participation Package).

For children of the 1st to 4th forms, the pupil day centres offer homework attendance. It is recommended that your children go to the pupil day centre. Further free assistance in homework attendance is offered by the association Helfende Hände e.V. (Helping Hands) and the Mehrgenerationenhaus (Multi-Generation House).

Integration courses

Integration courses

The general integration course comprises an orientation course (100 lessons) and a language course (600 lessons). In the orientation course, you are taught important issues of the German legal system, history and culture, forms of cohabitation and values in Germany. The language course deals with topics of everyday life, e.g. work, education, child attendance, leisure activities, health, housing, etc. You also learn to write letters and e-mails in German, to complete forms, to phone or to apply for a job. Both courses are completed by a test.

You can attend an integration course when you are an asylum seeker having good residence prospects (from Eritrea or Syria; state August 2019), holding a residence toleration for urgent humanitarian or personal reasons or public interests, or a residence permit as per § 25 clause 5 AufenthG (Residence Act). Apply for admission to the integration course with the Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) (Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees). When you are an asylum seeker having good resi dence prospects, you may be instructed by the Federal Agency to compulsory attend an integration course. As soon as you have received a regarding permit by the BAMF or have been instructed to compulsory attend the course, please register with an Integrationskursträger (institution holding integration courses). If you have been instructed to compulsory attend an integration course but do not participate, it is possible that allowances for you are deducted.

When you have been admitted to the integration course, you are automatically released from the cost of it. On application with the competent Außenstelle des BAMF Halberstadt  (Halberstadt BAMF branch), travel expenses are reimbursed. Should you have small children you do not have places in a child day care centre for, please contact the institution holding the integration course. They can arrange the care for your children, paid by the BAMF.

Assistance in job-related German language learning

Assistance in job-related German language learning

You have a good or very good command of German already and want to further improve your language proficiency? Then you can benefit from the assistance rendered for job-related German language learning. The course comprises three basic modules, teaching German on levels B2, C1 and C2. There are also special modules with focus on:

  • (1) assistance of job-related German language learning for people in acceptance proceedings,
  • (2) specific profession-related issues, e.g. nursing, trade and engineering, and
  • (3) special modules for participants in the integration course who have not reached level B1 yet.

You may participate in the courses when you have been registered as an immigrant and in search for a job and/or granted benefits from the Jobcenter or the Employment Agency. You as an immigrant can also participate when you attend a vocational training already and are currently in the acceptance procedure for your professional or vocational qualification. When you are a refugee and come from a "safe country of origin", you cannot participate in the courses. Your consultant from the Agentur für Arbeit (Employment Agency) or the Jobcenter will give you further information regarding the assistance in job-related German language learning. You can also contact course providers.

Low-level language courses

Low-level language courses

You can use a lot of You can use a lot of Online Angeboten (online offers) to learn German. There are many free offers, but also some interactive courses you have to pay for. Please exactly inform yourselves before you make use of an interactive offer. When you have a sufficient command of the German language and are interested in teaching German to others on a honorary basis, please contact the Integrationsbüro (Integration Office) of the City of Dessau-Roßlau.

Vocational training

Vocational training

A company-related vocational training system is applied in Germany. Trainees learn a trade both in a company and in a vocational school for three years. They are paid a remuneration during the vocational training. A residence permit as per § 16 clause 5 AufenthG (Residence Act) can be applied for the start of a training at a vocational school. To participate in vocation training in a company, you can apply for a residence permit as per  § 17 AufenthG. Prerequisite is that the Agentur für Arbeit (Employment Agency) has given consent to it, or the occupation does not require any consent.

No work permit is needed for a training at a vocational school, except when a contradictory side regulation is included in the residence toleration. Refugees holding a residence permit are granted restricted access to the vocational training market after a stay of three months in Germany.

Refugees holding a residence permit and refugees with residence toleration need a work permit by the Foreigners' Office to start a vocational training in a company. Refugees holding a residence permit for humanitarian reasons (acceptance of the asylum title, of refugee protection or subsidiary protection) can start a vocational training in a company at any time. Citizens coming from a safe country of origin are excluded from the vocational training at a company, when their application for asylum, filed after 31 August 2015, has been rejected. When actions for ending the stay of foreigners cannot be taken, these foreigners cannot attend any vocational training in a company either.

Information on vocation training und help can be obtained from the Jugendberufszentrum Dessau-Roßlau (Youth Jobcenter). Young immigrants are also assisted in their search for a vocational training by Kausa Landesstelle and by the Industrie- und Handelskammer Halle-Dessau  (Halle-Dessau Chamber of Industry and Commerce) (up to the age of 25).



In Germany you can study at a university or a university of applied sciences. The In Germany you can study at a university or a university of applied sciences. The Hochschulkompass  (University Guide) contains a list of all study courses and universities.

In Dessau-Roßlau, you can study Architecture, Geographic Information, Facility Management and Design at the Hochschule Anhalt (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences). A list of all courses offered by the university is given in the web. You can contact the Allgemeine Studienberatung (General Student Advisory Service of the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences) for advice. There are several access options that entitle you to study. In principle, a high school diploma (general university entrance qualification) enables students to study. In addition, the subject-specific university entrance qualification or the university entrance qualification enables students to study. Last but not least, interested parties with relevant professional experience can also be admitted to study at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences after successfully completing an assessment test. The Prüfstelle für Zeugnisbewertung (Certificate Review Office) decides whether the requirements to start a study are fulfilled and your application can be accepted. After the applicant has been admitted to study or to attend the preparatory college and has entered Germany with a visa, a residence permit pursuant to Section 16b I, V AufenthG must be applied for from the local immigration office, which replaces the visa. The prerequisite is that you meet the requirements for a course of study and demonstrate this with (original) documents. Should you hold foreign qualification certificates that are not sufficient to directly start a study, you can attend an assessment test at the Landesstudienkolleg (State Study College) and acquire a subject-related title for admission to a university. The Landesstudienkolleg prepares interested foreigners for a study in Germany. Usually the preparation for a study in Germany takes two semesters. After having successfully completed the preparatory course in the subjects Engineering, Economy or Society, you can apply for a study in Germany. The Landesstudienkolleg also offers one-semester or two-semester preparatory courses for the 'Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber' (DSH - Examination in the German Language for the University Admission of Foreign Applicants). The admission to the study preparation is made after a semi-annual admission test in February and September. Students from more than 40 countries are studying at the Landesstudienkolleg.

Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz (BAföG - Federal Training Assistance Act)

Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz (BAföG - Federal Training Assistance Act)

In Germany, you may be granted financial support (BAföG) for the time of study. Half of this money is paid as allowance, the other half has to be remunerated without interest. When you are an accepted asylum seeker, accepted refugee or are granted subsidiary protection, you may apply for BAföG. When you hold a residence toleration, you can apply for BAföG 15 months after you have filed your application for asylum. When no decision has been taken about your application for asylum yet, you are usually supported according to the Asylum Seekers Benefit Law.

Further education

Further education

For many trades and professions, it is necessary in Germany to acquire further qualifications after the completion of the vocational training or study. Numerous further education options are offered, e.g. courses and seminars, retraining programs, study (correspondence study, virtual study), and e-learning. The Agentur für Arbeit (Employment Agency) provides important information for you concerning further education. Information and advice regarding occupational integration and further education are also given by the Servicestelle IQ „Anerkennungs- und Qualifizierungsberatung(Service Agency IQ "Acceptance and Qualification Advice"). The Volkshochschule (Adults Education Centre) also offers a wide range of further education courses, from language and computer courses to health education.